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Updating secure authentication

The authentication systems are being updated: EPID is being replaced by DCAP because Intel is deprecating itPassport’s Chip Authentication and Key Attestation will be used on mobile devices whenever availableadditionally, zero-knowledge proofs could be generated from mobile devices

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Global Consensus for a United World

In our latest paper (codenamed “Pravuil”), we introduce our latest innovation in consensus protocols for blockchains: a robust, secure, and scalable consensus protocol for a permissionless blockchain suitable for deployment in an adversarial environment such as the Internet. By introducing…

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AI Face Matching on the Mobile App

Our mobile apps for Android and iOS have been updated with a new functionality that matches your digital photograph contained within your National Identity Card or Electronic Passport with a photograph taken with your smartphone: to prevent privacy issues, your…

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About the First Strictly-Dominant Cryptocurrency

Most announces of previous blockchains can be classified in the following groups: better hash algorithm (e.g., Litecoin) not using Proof-of-Work (e.g., Peercoin) better scripting/smart contracts (e.g., Ethereum) anonymous (e.g., Zcash, Monero) highly scalable (e.g., Zilliqa) a combination of the previous…

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